Freebies introduce to you the latest cheat in the block MTN unlimited power all phone and all application,it does not require any VPN application or Cheat application and completely free of charge.
Now let Row
steps to take to enjoy this free cake from MTN
dial *460*6# you shall receive a message from mtn saying
Dear Customer, migration is not allowed. Thank you
and thanks you have successfully subscribe for insurance stuff
just ignore and start browsing free
steps to take if it stop browsing again
just send 'BT' as a message to 131
then resend the code again *460*6#
you will get a message that you have opt out of the plan just ignore and start browsing again
i hope this help if you are finding it difficult comment using the comment box below
Now let Row
steps to take to enjoy this free cake from MTN
dial *460*6# you shall receive a message from mtn saying
Dear Customer, migration is not allowed. Thank you
and thanks you have successfully subscribe for insurance stuff
just ignore and start browsing free
steps to take if it stop browsing again
just send 'BT' as a message to 131
then resend the code again *460*6#
you will get a message that you have opt out of the plan just ignore and start browsing again
i hope this help if you are finding it difficult comment using the comment box below
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