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This image is that of an 800 years old handset that was discovered during archaeological excavation in Salzburg Austria, early this year and has been kept secret for long. As you can see from the picture, it has an uncanny resemblance with a standard Nokia or old Sony Ericsson phone but with a keyboard engrave with a language that dates back to thousands of years.
Scott Waring, editor of UFO Sighting Daily, who however feels this is an evidence of aliens visiting ancient civilizations on earth said:
‘It is evident from this cell phone like device that someone with an advanced knowledge of the future created it, The language is said to go back tens of thousands of years…very cool discovery.’
More research online and I discovered that the keys on this 800 years old phone have been likened to cuneiform – an early system of writing used by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia present day Iraq. And while most people think it’s a hoax or a conspiracy theory , still others think it’s is an impeccable evidence of ancient civilizations and a pointer to the fact that time travel really do exists a long time before now?
So tell us what you think! Is this a hoax or its an evidence that we are not the first humans on earth to have advanced technologically? Please leave your comments.
Another source even revealed a cuneiform that depicts a slave opening what looks like a laptop for his master. See below.
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